24 September 2021 - Good Practice Document
Ethical concerns are traditionally managed by parent companies. In a joint venture, a lack of a common approach in capturing, investigating and analysing trends can lead to a fractured process....
6 October 2021 - Good Practice Document
Throughout the lifecycle of the project, HS2 Ltd will be landlord to a large property portfolio, which is managed and maintained by a specialist property management supplier. A suite of...
13 April 2022 - Good Practice Document
The construction of HS2 will affect ancient woodland sites across Phase One and Phase 2. Translocation of ancient woodland soils to a receptor site to rescue habitats that would otherwise...
Following the extensive use of demolition curtains on the Costain Skanska joint venture (CSjv) High Speed Two (HS2) Enabling Works Contract (EWC) South, a guidance document has been produced with...
12 April 2022 - Good Practice Document
At the start of the High Speed Two (HS2) Enabling Works Contract (EWC), there was a requirement to swiftly instruct consultants to gain consents, expediting the priority works. A desire...
This paper discusses lessons learnt on the Technical Assurance, Quality Assurance and Handover process discipline, based on key delivery experiences whilst working on the Enabling Works Contract (EWC) on the...
25 April 2022 - Good Practice Document
This paper describes the process of planning and managing completion and handover, in particular the importance of starting at the early stage of a contract, defining processes, requirements and deliverables...
11 April 2022 - Good Practice Document
Supporting the most vulnerable groups into employment is key to creating a diverse and local workforce. Homelessness is a key issue up and down the UK, and the majority of...
The Euston Power Signal Box (PSB) office utilised an integrated digital system, enabling all site activities to operate under a paperless system with full engagement from the key supply chain...
This paper details the approach taken by the Enabling Works Contractor of the southern section of High Speed Two (HS2) Phase One to achieve an 'Excellent' score for the BREAAM...
The Enabling Works Contractor (EWC) on the southern section of HS2 undertook a revolutionary approach to creating legacy through opportunities for skills, jobs, education and the economy by its investment...
4 March 2023 - Good Practice Document
The River Cole is located within the southernmost section of the Delta Junction, a triangular section of High Speed Two (HS2) Phase One, where the route curves west towards Birmingham...
25 November 2024 - Good Practice Document
To mitigate for the loss of badger setts, closed due to construction of the scheme, over 30 artificial badger setts have been constructed across Phase One under a licence from...
Grendon and Doddershall Meadows Local Wildlife Site (LWS) is located just over 1km west of Quainton in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. The LWS citation states that the 24.5 hectare (ha) area was...
This article explores HS2’s approach for carbon reduction, emphasising their collaborative partnership with Cerclos in implementing Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, through the eTool software. HS2 and Cerclos have worked...