9 April 2024 - Case Study
The challenge for the Phase 2b Environmental Statement was to take 1000s of records of heritage assets across the nearly 300km long scheme and try to standardise them so the…
9 April 2024 - Case Study
The Phase 2b Environmental Statement (ES) was one of the largest produced in the UK in recent years. The ES required inputs from a diverse range of organisations across the…
9 April 2024 - Technical Paper
This report describes the implementation of a data-driven approach to report creation for more efficient, standardised outputs. Vast amounts of information are required to plan, manage, and deliver the High…
11 December 2023 - Case Study
HS2 Ltd and its delivery partners in the supply chain established the Back to Better Programme to implement consistent and effective control measures for work sites in line with its…
8 December 2023 - Case Study
Safety is at the heart of everything the High Speed Two (HS2) programme does. This paper describes the behaviour safety programme that was developed by Balfour Beatty VINCI (BBV) -…
8 December 2023 - Case Study
The efficient distribution of construction materials, fully compliant with HS2’s ambition to be carbon neutral and considerate to its neighbours, presented a unique range of materials challenges and it became…
8 December 2023 - Case Study
The Align JV worker travel shuttle service was established in early 2020, with the aim of providing a safe and efficient mode of transport for staff working on the Align…
8 December 2023 - Case Study
The Route Map was developed to provide an oversight of the entire works of the Main Works Civils Contract (MWCC) Area North with detailed summaries of each sublot, enabling stakeholders…
4 December 2023 - Video
Design House JV is approaching the end of a challenging Phase 1 delivery period. A team of organisational psychologists created an employee recognition system called Kudos, to boost morale and…
17 November 2023 - Case Study
The construction industry has a reputation for lacking inclusivity facing challenges such as the underrepresentation of women, BAME individuals, and LGBTQ+ employees. This paper discusses the approach taken by Balfour…
17 November 2023 - Case Study
This paper presents an innovative digital workflow designed to address the challenges associated with collecting, reporting, and visualising construction stage geological and geotechnical ground data (geo-data). It emphasises the importance…
17 November 2023 - Case Study
This paper is presented as part of the works to deliver the Main Works Civils Contract (MWCC) for the central section of High Speed Two (HS2) Phase One which includes…
17 November 2023 - Case Study
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is a health condition caused by the vibration from any hand-held, fed or guided power tools and machinery on site, e.g. drills, torque wrenches, plate…
17 November 2023 - Case Study
This paper focusses on the Main Works Civils Contract (MWCC) for the central section of High Speed Two (HS2) Phase One which includes the Colne Valley Viaduct and Chiltern Tunnels,…
17 November 2023 - Technical Paper
DAARWIN[1] is a web platform that refines geotechnical design models using data collected from site. It compares the design prediction against the measured response to enable a more accurate understanding…
17 November 2023 - Case Study
This paper focusses on the sustainable re-use of excavated earthworks materials and the lessons learned as part of the EKFB journey. The objective for EKFB, as the main works contractor…
17 November 2023 - Technical Paper
HS2 Ltd has strategic goals for setting new standards for customer experience and health and safety in the operation of the railway and therefore requires its designers to take an…
4 March 2023
In line with the UK government net-zero carbon by 2050 commitments, this project was aimed at cutting carbon and improving local air quality, High Speed Two (HS2) has trialled a…
4 March 2023 - Good Practice Document
The River Cole is located within the southernmost section of the Delta Junction, a triangular section of High Speed Two (HS2) Phase One, where the route curves west towards Birmingham…
4 March 2023 - Technical Paper
The St Mary’s Field Museum programme of events demonstrated that it is not only safe and secure to invite members of the public on to a construction site, but that…
4 March 2023 - Technical Paper
The paper aims to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the double composite section in high-speed railway bridges from the design, construction and maintenance point of view. The paper is…
4 March 2023 - Technical Paper
The main objective of the railway drainage system is to manage surface water and groundwater to the level of service required to ensure the continual and safe operation of the…
4 March 2023 - Technical Paper
The “Traction Substation package” for HS2 comprises the construction works for the relocation of an existing London Underground Ltd substation on the corner of Drummond Street and Melton Street. The…
4 March 2023 - Technical Paper
There is limited guidance for pile design in the Mercia Mudstone, when it varies between a weathered stiff clay and unweathered weak mudstone. In this transitionary zone, it is common…
4 March 2023 - Technical Paper
Project: Provision of a series of customer focused Virtual Reality Simulation sessions for the Phase One and 2a hybrid Bill Design, commissioned as part of two Passenger Experience and Landmark…
4 March 2023 - Technical Paper
High Speed Two (HS2) is a catalyst for growth across the UK. Along with this comes not just environmentally responsible landscape and ecological design but, offers a once in a…
4 March 2023 - Technical Paper
As part of High Speed Two (HS2)’s Innovation programme, a trial of alternative fuels was carried out in partnership with the Centre for Low Emission Construction at Imperial College London…
4 March 2023 - Technical Paper
A 450m long retained excavation to a maximum depth of 18m close to sensitive 3rd party assets will be constructed to house future HS2 tracks north of Euston station. Approximately…
4 March 2023 - Technical Paper
Viaducts structures are assets adopted in High Speed Two (HS2) to minimise the impact of the railway on the existing motorways, watercourses, and other low-lying developments. The design of surface…
4 March 2023 - Technical Paper
The HS2 Birmingham Interchange Station has been located to provide connections to multiple transport modes and routes. It is surrounded by major roads and situated close to Birmingham Airport and…